Court of Protection Deputyship and Power of Attorney are two different legal terms that you should be aware of. It's important to determine which one you actually need before you move forward with anything.

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3 min read

The Office Of Public Guardian (OPG) estimates that approximately 10,000 LPAs per month are completed incorrectly. Thousands more were found to have errors when they were attempted to be used.

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14 min read

A Statement Of Wishes is a handy document you can prepare in addition to your will to provide extra guidance. There are so many uses for a Statement Of Wishes that we can’t list them all in one article, so we’ll focus on the most common uses for them:

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2 min read

We all know how important it is to plan for the future. Having a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place should be as common and natural as making a Will”

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3 min read

Some interesting and common myths about LPAs are exposed. Read here to check your understanding.

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2 min read

Effective succession planning for your business can save time, hassle and money.

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9 min read